Students score high on perfect attendance

In the first six weeks of school, 253 students earned perfect attendance. I had 98 percent attendance for this time period, which is the goal of each campus and the entire Varnett Public School district. The overall percentage is based on attendance calculated week to week.

We celebrated attendance goals at a big jamboree in our multipurpose room Sept. 28. The students and staff had a blast! We ate popcorn and danced to the beats that encourage students to come to school every day. All the students received a special “principal" pencil for perfect attendance.

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Several students from PreK through 6th grade shared why they come to school every day. One Pre-K student stated, “I come to school to see my teacher and to learn from her.” Another student from 6th grade said she would one day like to attend college.  “I must attend school every day to prepare for my future," she said.

I am so proud of the efforts of our parent liaison, Ms. Leidy Martinez and our clerk, Ms. Nancy Rodriquez. I also want to acknowledge our teachers, staff, parents and students who all made this goal achievable.

Let’s continue with this trend. After all, “Attendance Matters!”

Ms. Gayle Voltz

East Campus Director
