“Open House” at The Varnett School East Campus was Thursday, Sept. 13, 2018, from 5:30 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. To support a great turnout, students, staff and parents wore their favorite sports team shirt with blue jeans. The students whose parents attended our event also received a free movie pass.
We had a great turnout with 145 parents representing 40 percent. Our parents came out to meet East campus staff and gain knowledge pertaining to each grade level’s expectations. The ESL (English as a Second Language) and bilingual staff translated the powerful facts and instruction to ensure that all parents were engaged and knowledgeable in helping their children as they master and exceed grade-level objectives and skills.
The teachers used grade-level handouts and power points to share steps that will ultimately lead to high academic achievement, effective parental support and collaboration between teachers and parents.
The fantastic “Wildcats” cheerleading squad entertained the parents in the multipurpose room. The team under the leadership of 4th-grade teacher Ms. De'Andria Bogney cheered with enthusiastic and precise movements. The parents, staff and students applauded and cannot wait until their next event.
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Our goal for “Excellence is Expected” is well on the way. Parent participation and high student achievement is our “Next Level Up”. Thank you, parents and staff, for your continued support and involvement.
Ms. Gayle Voltz
Director, The Varnett School East
Photos by Ms, Latricia Jones