The four questions should be at the heart of every PLC discussion.
In order to raise student achievement, Professional Learning Communities must be able to answer all four of these questions. To answer the four questions in a manageable way, the PLC should begin with a small focus. For example, the PLC may decide it will improve student achievement on a particular benchmark or standard. At first this may seem like a small focus, but in reality there are still many parts that make up the benchmark or standard. Some break the standard or benchmark down even further.
Is the PLC interested in whether the students can use the vocabulary of the standard or benchmark? Are they looking to see if the students can apply critical thinking skills? By narrowing the focus, the Professional Learning Community will be able to manage its work and see student results faster.
Source: Lakeville Area Public Schools -- PLC Handbook
Photo: Ms. Gayle Voltz, (right, director of The Varnett School East), discusses the concept of Professional Learning Communities with teachers at East campus. The PLC sessions will be held twice a month.