Students commemorate Christmas with vintage performances

Students at Varnett’s East Campus recently paid tribute to a “50s Vintage Christmas” with separate performances from PreK, Kindergarten-1st grade and 2nd-through-5th grade students.

Parents packed the multi-purpose, many armed with cameras and smart phones, recording their children as they gathered on stage to sing, dance and recite.

The room was decorated with Christmas art and staff was on hand to guide the students through their performances and to give them encouragement. Each performance was greeted with thunderous applause, as children bowed and waved to the crowd.

The theme for the day was the “50s Rock and Roll” Christmas program.

 “We reached for an earlier time to bring back the old feelings of Christmas,” said Ms. Angela Verdin, a kindergarten teacher who was one of the organizers.  “Many of us remember lots of things about the 50s and we wanted to relate those feelings to the students.”
