First-graders make bird nests from scratch

If birds lose their instincts to make their nests, Ms. Virginia Nyivah’s first-grade class can fill in to complete the task.

The East Campus students used their hands-on skills to make bird nests using their own material and then were graded on their creativity, neatness and presentation.

The three-day assignment was part of a science project during the final chapter about trees. Students used fake birds, paper leafs, shoe boxes and real and fake twigs as their foundation, and some improvised from there. One student even made a nest for a bat.

The students were asked to find the material and to work the project on their own.

Student Kailey Garza wrote about her project entitled “The Great Horned Owl’s Nest,” with a drawing of an owl and labeling its  “gold, yellow eyes,” “white throat” and “black claws.”

“This owl takes over the nest of another big bird,” she wrote. “The nest is made up of sticks, twigs, leaves and sometimes feathers. The owl finds his nest in fields, wooded parks, wetlands, forest and sometimes cities.”

Said Ms. Nyivah: “Overall, the kids did very well.”
