Better luck next time, 2nd grader says on plant-growing experience

Christopher Fultz, Jr., a 2nd-grader in Ms. Joseph's class, shares his journal on his plant-growing project. (Christopher is pictured left in the accompanying photo.)

We think that our plants will grow bigger. Our 2nd grade class planted seeds and placed them outside. The other 2nd grade class planted seeds and placed them inside. East class planted the seeds on 9/11/13. We watered the plants every other day.  We also observed the plants and put what we saw in our Science Journal.


I see four (4) of mine growing. It is nice to see them grow. I hope to grow more. This is cool. I watered my plant.


It grew more but the color is green and brown. It still had water on the plant.


We observed the other 2nd grade class plants. Their plants were much taller and did not have brown color. Our hypothesis was not correct. Our plants did not grow bigger. We had a lot of rain on our plants. Next time when it rains, we will move our plants.

Photo: Christopher, left, displays his plant
