Parents volunteer to assist in student activities

Parents who attended the East Campus open house Wednesday were urged to participate in student activities, including field and travel trips, the rodeo and Parent Conference Week.

In all, 115 parents took advantage of the opportunity to meet with teachers and visit classrooms to get a preliminary look at how their children are performing thus far. They will meet one-on-one with teachers during Parent Conference Week Oct. 14-18.

Teachers gave demonstrations on how the Promethean Boards work as a relatively new teaching tool for students. The boards combine laptops that can access the internet with large screens for all the students to view.

In addition to teachers, the campus coach and ESL/bilingual and special education team introduced themselves to parents and Ms. Rena  Rosser, the librarian who’s involved in instructional media, promoted the book fair slated for Oct. 14-18. “Everyone had a job to do,” Campus Director Gayle Voltz said, referring to her staff’s assignments during open house night.

The campus is looking for chaperones for the next year’s rodeo and signed up parents for that and other school activities and has been encouraging parents to join the Parent Teacher Organization. Thirty six parents attended a PTO meeting last week, Ms. Voltz said.

“The open house concept cements the much needed relationship or pact between the parents, teachers and students,” Ms. Voltz said. “It helps develop a cohesive, productive educational connection needed to help the students succeed.”
