Campus director "overjoyed" about 1st place finish

I was so overjoyed when I heard the news of East Campus winning first place in the tree decoration contest. 

I made the announcement on the intercom system and asked everyone to shout for joy! I celebrated with the entire school by going to each class and doing a  dance and chant that we had won. I thanked Mrs. Bhatt for her expert coaching of the presenters of our tree.  I told the presenters their acting skills were superb.

The architect, Mrs. Estrada, came up with the theme. Ms. Medina and Mrs. Crispin helped with placement of ornaments. All the students did a fantastic job of making ornaments for the tree.  The entire staff worked very hard to make a connection with the theme and the tree.  Our school-wide party for students and staff will be held Thursday, December 20, 2012.

--Gayle Voltz, Campus Director
