On Thursday night, we had our annual math carnival where our students' played a variety of games with the winner's being awarded carnival prizes.
Every year I play the cups game in which the first player to stack cups 1 -15 in order is the winner. I lose every year, playing against Pre-K and kindergarten students. This year I played against a first grader and I won (Check out the video here). Now, of course, my opponent was very fast and if his cup had not fallen on the floor, I would have lost again. So, I'm glad, I can enjoy the victory this year.
All the students enjoyed the games and even received a financial lesson with their parents from our community member, Ms. Rosalba from Wells Fargo Bank.
There were 44 parents and 67 students who participated in our educational math carnival.
The importance of having fun educational events is to show students that learning new concepts along with parents and teachers show we are all involved in the learning process. While the classroom setting is designed to teach Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and objectives needed for mastery, a fun environment like the math carnival helps students grasp concepts on a lighter note.
Thanks to everybody who came out!
Story and photos by Ms. Gayle Voltz, director of The Varnett School East
Videos by Ms. Voltz and Ms. Latricia Jones