East campus staff and students made a statement each day in commemoration of Red Ribbon, the nation's oldest and largest drug prevention awareness program.
One day was "Red Shirt Day" in which students sported red shirts with jeans. The message for that day was "we're red hot against drugs." On another day they wore sunglasses for "Shade Out Drugs Day." And on still another day, the message was "turn your back on drugs."
Red Ribbon Week started after the death of Drug Enforcement Administration Special Agent Enrique “Kiki” Camarena, who in 1985 was brutally murdered by drug traffickers he was investigating in Mexico. After his death, people started wearing red ribbons in his honor.
On previous occasions, Houston police officers have visited The Varnett Public School to urge students to stay away from drugs and explain the consequences if they get caught messing with drugs.
Photos by Ms. Latricia Jones