Dear Parents,
Welcome to an exciting new year! We are overjoyed to have you as part of our school family and hope you are looking forward to the 2019-20 school year.
We are extremely proud of our school and our continued commitment to high academic standards. To improve student achievement, we have added some comprehensive instructional programs with opportunities for every student at every ability level. We offer an Accelerated Bridge Program (ABP) and extracurricular activities such as chess, soccer, basketball, track and cheer dancers.
Our highly dedicated staff cares deeply about the success of your children, and our parents and community/business partners offer tremendous support to our schools.
As we begin a “Big Shift” upward this school year, we invite you to visit the district’s website ( Parents who have questions or concerns during the year are encouraged to contact their child’s teacher or the school director. I have an open-door policy.
The Varnett School East staff joins me in extending an enthusiastic “Welcome Back” to a productive school year filled with many opportunities. As a working dynamic force, together we will inspire success and meet all academic and attendance goals at the East campus.
Gayle Voltz
East Campus Director