Free student uniforms on campus

Thanks to the generosity of our parents, East campus is giving away student uniforms for Varnett families in need.
Parents so far this week have picked up about 200 uniform pieces and the goal is to give away the remaining 100 by week's end, said Ms. Leidy Martinez, the campus parent liaison. Ms. Martinez said the best times to pick them up are before school starts at 8 a.m. and after classes end at 3:50 p.m. But she added: "If I see kids not in uniform, I donate them."
The uniforms came from parents whose children attended Varnett last school year. "This is the third year we've been doing this," Ms. Martinez said. The purpose is to help families in need and to accommodate those whose uniforms are on backorder.
Parents will be responsible for ensuring the uniforms contain the Varnett logo.
The uniforms are for East campus families only.
For a review of the student uniform policy by gender, grade level and day of the week, click here.