Former student returns to East, credits campus teachers for high academic achievement

Cunningham Middle School student Lynel Hunter returned to the East campus and credited his teachers for his excellent accomplishments as a seventh-grader at the Galena Park Independent School District.
The soon-to-be eighth-grader attributed his remarkable success to strategies taught by East campus teachers Ms. Yolonda Williams and Krystal Williams. He said they pushed him to succeed and master his subjects.
I am so proud of him and so is his mother. Look at all of his accomplishments and certificates. Lynel is truly a great representation of what we offer at our school: "Excellence In All Things." He said he plans to attend Northshore Senior High School where we know he will continue to excel.
Congratulations, Lynel, and thanks for visiting!
Ms. Gayle Voltz
Director, The Varnett School East